IPPSA – International Production Planning & Scheduling Association

IPPSA is an educational association established to improve production performance for manufacturing and service sector companies. The objective is to assist companies in considering moving from traditional MRP scheduling concepts designed in 1970 to advanced simulation systems that will take advantage of todays high speed computer systems. 

As product mix varies from HVLM to HMLV scheduling applications; the management focus needs to move from high material management  focus to high capacity management focus. As the market trend moves toward HMLV the management focus needs to move to improved capacity management. This requires accurate scheduling of both material and capacity resources. FCS simulation software or equivelent  should be evaluated as a replacement of traditional ICBP scheduling technology. 

The objective of IPPSA is to deliver information to the manufacturing sector to demonstrate why and how advanced scheduling technology is required to effectively and efficiently manage material and capacity resources at all levels of the production environment. To accomplish this, IPPSA conducts educational seminars, webinars and workshops.  We invite you to join us at an event soon.

IPPSA seminars use PPTgraphics to explain how FCS systems coordinate and synchronize material and capacity. Visit www.ippsa-fcs.com for a list of scheduled seminars and join us at a seminar in your area or request a future seminar be scheduled near your location.